On the TSC call today, it was discussed that there was a problem with a normative standard going forward when its base standard is no longer normative (and in CDA’s case it cannot be – tooling issue).  We are not the only one with this issue so Jean has formed a subgroup to meet this week to define how we can set a policy to move forward with these v3 IG’’s.  The belief is there has to be a way forward and they recognize the ballot date/April 12 as the deadline for a decision.  I will participate in that group.


(Will update via listserv or on CMG meeting, depending on timing of meeting)




Linda Michaelsen (she/her)

Director, Healthcare Interoperability Standards [Provider Engineering | Optum Technology


O 1-612-632-6664

M 1-314-604-8440



16958 Westridge Oaks Dr

Wildwood MO  63040



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