We are pleased to announce that the C-CDA R2.1 2023-08-15 Value Set Program Release is now available in the Value Set Authority Center (VSAC): 

This release contains 173 C-CDA value sets. There are 6 new value set in this release compared to last year's release: 


Value Set Name 

Value Set OID 

Added: Social Determinants of Health Conditions  


Added: Social Determinants of Health Goals 


Added: Social Determinants of Health Procedures 


Added: Social Determinants of Health Service Requests 


Added: Sex 


Added: Health Insurance Type value set  


VSAC now has a comparison tool for implementers to review specific changes to value sets at Program Releases - VSAC Tools (nih.gov) 


There are several ways you can access the C-CDA value sets: 

§  The Search button of the HL7 C-CDA Value Sets program block leads you to the VSAC Search Value Sets web browser, presorted by this HL7 CCDA release. The Download link leads you to the C-CDA Value Sets section of the Download tab and supplies prepackaged downloadable files. 

§  From the download tab, you can download: 

·       Excel, pipe-delimited text files, and XML files of the C-CDA value sets; 

·       Code System Versions Currently in C-CDA R2.1 Value Sets; 

·       a list of C-CDA R2.1 Value Sets Available in VSAC; 

·       and, a list of C-CDA R2.1 Value Sets Unavailable in VSAC. 

§  The published downloadable C-CDA R2.1 2023-08-15 release excludes 24 C-CDA value sets for which VSAC does not have the required supporting code systems. VSAC Search Value Sets Tab https://vsac.nlm.nih.gov/valueset/expansions?pr=ccda : 


§  In the VSAC web browser, you can search, sort, filter and view details for all or individual C-CDA value sets; use the Export Search Results button to download a catalog of C-CDA value set expansions; increase the page view up to 300 rows, and use the checkboxes to download all C-CDA value set expansions as Excel, XML, or Text files. VSAC SVS API https://www.nlm.nih.gov/vsac/support/usingvsac/vsacsvsapiv2.html : 


§  Given a C-CDA value set identifier (OID) that you can obtain by any of the above methods, using an SVS API call, such as: [https://vsac.nlm.nih.gov/vsac/svs/RetrieveMultipleValueSets?id=2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16866&release=C-CDA R2.1 2022-08-10&ticket=your-service-ticket


§  For additional information on API authentication and usage, see our API documentation. https://www.nlm.nih.gov/vsac/support/usingvsac/vsacsvsapiv2.html 


Please send any questions or feedback regarding VSAC functionality to: NLM Customer Support at https://support.nlm.nih.gov/ 


Natasha Kreisle

Research Health Information Technology Scientist

RTI International  

P: (770)243-5048 |M: (404)-452-4962  
