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Gender Harmony Primary Call
(for Terminology Infrastructure Work Group)
Requested by McClure, Robert
Terminology Infrastructure Work Group - Primary List
Patient Administration - Primary List
Call is scheduled for 1.5 hours
Mon Jun 12, 2023 04:00 PM (US Eastern Time, GMT -4 DST)
Please consult for your local times.
This is a call in a recurring sequence (and occurs every week )
Phone Number: +1 646-558-8656
Participant Passcode: 718 380 6281
Join Zoom Meeting - | Meeting ID: 718 380 6281 Password: 370553 View all call details at
No notes were entered for this call in the conference calling center
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If you encounter a problem dialing in, hold on the line and an operator will be able to join the call to assist you. The operator will be able to confirm your passcode is correct.
If you encounter a problem during the call, such as call quality, you can engage an operator on the conference call by pressing *0. Alternatively you can enter 00 to bring yourself out of the call and engage an operator to personally assist you.
If you have issues that you are unable to resolve with the call operator, please report the problem to the notify HL7 HQ and the conference call provider.