The Physical Activity Implementation Guide will be taking part in the upcoming CMS HL7 FHIR Connectathon July 18-20. We will be hosting two prep calls June 6 (Teams Link) and June 13 (same link) during our normal project team calls. On the 6th, from 2:30-3:00 PM ET, we will be providing an overview of the IG and discussing our objectives for the connectathon. On the 13th, from 2:30-3:30 PM ET we will be planning and coordinating with participants that workflow for the event. 


Please review our Track page here. For more information and to register (by June 30) for the CMS connectathon click here. Be sure to select Physical Activity as track when registering.



Paul J. Chase, PhD, ACSM-CEP, EIM (He/Him)

National Policy Research Fellow

American Heart Association

5455 N. High St. | Columbus | OH | 43214

O  214.706.1746