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Title Title: **CDA Management Group Decision on CDA R2.1**  
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Title: **CDA Management Group Decision on HL7 CDA R2.1 base standard**

After consultation with implementers in the U.S. and across the globe and with a recommendation from the CDA methodology group, Structured Document Work Group, CMG voted on 11 May 2023 to NOT reaffirm the HL7 CDA R2.1 base standard as an ANSI standard.

CMG expressed sincere appreciation for the hard work that went into creating CDA R2.1. This will continue to be a valuable reference to guide decisions about further sdtc extension design that may be made to the HL7 CDA R2.0 base standard in order to expand alignment with FHIR.

CDA R2.0 will continue to be the base standard recognized as an ISO Standard (ISO/HL7 27932:2009) and used for C-CDA 2.1 and other CDA implementation guides. Work is continuing on future versions of C-CDA (see

On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 1:58 PM CDA MG - HL7 ListServ <> wrote: to



CDA MG worked this week on announcement based on the CDA decision from the WGM. We’ll release this next week (if approved). Let us know if you see any issues.
(see one listed for May 24)







John D’Amore, MS

President, More Informatics, Inc.

m: (917)733-3735


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