Hey all,

Russ’s opinions:

I like the idea of a readme.md - but it shouldn’t be exactly the same as the readme.txt: one documents the zip file available on the HL7 website, one documents the GitHub page. I’d be fine with a lot of reuse of content between the two, but they’re not exactly the same.

I thought we had shifted to recommending an “input” folder to align with FHIR, and I’m with John - I’d expect at a minimum the source files used to create whatever content is included in the latest published ZIP package (primarily MS Word source documents).

- Russ

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 5, 2023, at 12:39 PM, CDA MG - HL7 ListServ <cdamg@lists.hl7.org> wrote:

johnd@moreinformatics.com to cdamg@lists.hl7.org



A few notes on the PACP publication checklist:


  • Your volume 2 is labeled as Vol1 in the header
  • Your page numbers in footer don’t seem to be working
  • Your github repo has a _Readme.txt inside the zip and a readme.md in the repo. I like that. I think we should probably be encouraging MD files since they render by default in Github. Could/should we add to our checklist? Should it be the same content as _Readme.txt?
  • I think the Github repo should have a folder for the current publication (it’s fine to have backups, but all you have is backups). Others thoughts?
  • I added the minutes page and check for SDWG approval. You linked previously to a draft of minutes in checklist.





From: Lisa Nelson <lnelson@max.md>
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2023 8:09 PM
To: John D'Amore <johnd@moreinformatics.com>
Cc: Giorgio Cangioli <giorgio.cangioli@gmail.com>; cdamg <cdamg@lists.hl7.org>
Subject: Re: Notes on CDA Pharmacy Templates IG Publication Checklist Review


John, thanks for your review of all this. Yes, PACP IG is ready for CMG review.


On Tue, Apr 4, 2023, 5:34 PM John D'Amore <johnd@moreinformatics.com> wrote:



A few notes for reviewing the publication checklist for CDA pharmacy templates


  • Can you add the link to the minutes of the approving workgroup under step 9


@Lisa Nelson MSc, MBA Was the PACP also awaiting review? If so, I’ll work to review that in morning before call.








John D’Amore, MS

President, More Informatics, Inc.


m: (917)733-3735


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