Greetings all,

I apologize for this late notice, but I am unable to make today’s call because of a high priority deliverable.  I have been heads down finalizing the comment resolution for the Sequoia Data Usability Workgroup.  Sequoia will be publishing this IG next week on 12/14 and it is due to our marketing for formatting tomorrow.  I look forward to reviewing the minutes from the meeting today later this week.  

Warmest regards,

Didi Davis
VP, Informatics, Conformance & Interoperability
The Sequoia Project® - Connected we stand!

The Sequoia Project 2022 Annual Meeting is December 14!
Join us as we celebrate 10 years of advancing health data sharing with a full day of learning and networking with health IT professionals. 

Open to the public – register now.


Office: +1-865-671-1624 | | Twitter: @dididavis
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