This free webinar is scheduled for this Tuesday, November 29th at 7 am. US ET and 10 pm US ET:


HL7 Accelerator Blueprint Webinar
Over the past five years, HL7 and the healthcare industry have seen a tremendous growth in the adoption of the HL7® FHIR® standard. The growth of the FHIR Accelerator program and the creation of new FHIR Accelerators demonstrate our industry's desire to adopt FHIR across the many sectors of healthcare. To support these additional communities of practice, HL7 has developed an Accelerator Blueprint, which provides a framework for developing, operationalizing, and growing a FHIR Accelerator project. The Blueprint, along with additional best practice handbooks, will allow Accelerators to effectively engage their communities with the HL7 standards and implementation process, while reducing the burden on HL7 work groups.

We invite the community to join us on November 29, 7 AM or 10 PM Eastern time to hear more about Accelerator Blueprint.




  1. Topic: HL7 Accelerator Blueprint Webinar

When: Nov 29, 2022 07:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Register in advance for this meeting:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


  1. Topic: HL7 Accelerator Blueprint Webinar


When: Nov 29, 2022 10:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Register in advance for this meeting:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Please let me know if you have any questions.


NOTE:  HL7 has moved to a new Association Management System (AMS), Fonteva.  Learn more about it or view FAQs.



Sadhana Alangar, PhD

Director of Education

Health Level Seven International

3300 Washtenaw Avenue, Suite227

Ann Arbor, MI 48104-4261


Ph: 734-355-9134
