We are hosting a Virtual Connectathon on December 2 from 10:00AM – 6:00PM (Eastern). The link to the Virtual Connectathon: https://heart.zoom.us/j/82675860773?pwd=L0NlOE4ySXQ3SmQ3VVVuTXdqUlladz09


The Connectathon will be focused on the exchange of physical activity measures – specifically the first two scenarios described in our track proposal for the January in-person Connectathon (http://confluence.hl7.org/display/FHIR/2023-01+Physical+Activity+Track) – Submit Physical Activity Observation and Query Physical Activity Observation.


Please contact Lloyd McKenzie (Lloyd.mckenzie@accenture.com) and/or Paul Chase (paul.chase@heart.org) if you are planning to participate.


We have a meeting November 29 from 2:30PM – 3:30PM (Eastern), during our normal project group meeting time, focused on preparing participants for the Virtual Connectathon. We will be discussing the plan for the day (December 2), discuss the steps participants need to take prior to December 2, and review our draft specification. Here is the link to the November 29 meeting:  Microsoft Teams link or join by phone: +1 469-480-3037 with a phone Conference ID: 171 144 040#.



Paul J. Chase, PhD, ACSM-CEP, EIM, RCEP (He/Him)

National Policy Research Fellow

American Heart Association

5455 N. High St. | Columbus | OH | 43214

O  214.706.1746