Over the next few weeks, the schedule of the IM group will be a bit different…
Sept 15: No IM call - in preparation for the WGM and GA4GH in-person meetings next week, and the ongoing ballot review and comments. Please consider attending the GA4GH Sequence Annotation meeting at the same time. The SA project is reaching an important decision point and it might be a good time to catch up with what they’re doing if you haven’t been following it recently.
This is a reminder that the GA4GH Seq annotation meeting will be tomorrow Sep 15 at 4pm CET / 3pm GMT / 7am PDT / 10am EDT.
Previous meeting recordings as well as the agenda for tomorrow's meeting can be found  here.
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/7082943722?pwd=bU0zUFg2cnc0dnBHOVdkRDQ5R3luZz09 
Meeting ID: 708 294 3722 
Password: ga4gh 
Find your local numberhttps://zoom.us/u/a7jv4RZ4z  
Sept 22: No IM call due to the HL7 WGM and GA4GH plenary
Sept 29: No IM call as per CG WG convention (post-WGM) and due to the NHGRI eMERGE ESP/SC meeting
Oct 6: IM CALL!  (you didn’t see that coming, did you?)
Bob F