Dear all,
in the last Pharmacy HL7 WGM we had some conversations about examples for the HL7 CDA Pharmacy templates.
Hereafter a short summary of this conversation for having your thoughts on this topic.
- each CDA IG has to be supported by a set of examples. Currently these examples are supposed to be included in the GitHub repos associated to that CDA IG. The repos link should be indicated in the publication package.
- the example task force has developed a set of C-CDA examples stored in a dedicated repository ( and published through the
- The current GitHub example repos is C-CDA specific, while the site refers to HL7 CDA examples
- For the time being there is ‘only’ a C-CDA Examples Task Force
- What is the process to extend the published examples beyond the C-CDA IGs (e.g. adding Pharmacy and IPS at least)
- In case,
- where the Pharma and IPS examples should be published: in the IG GitHub repos, in a new common repos, in both
- how samples should be organized : per reference IG (C-CDA, Pharma/IPS) or per use case (e.g. No Infos cases are managed differently in IPS and C-CDA)
- Who should be in charge of the publication of these examples: a new task force, the new Implementation Division, others ?
Thanks in advance for your inputs,
Cordiali Saluti/Best Regards,
Giorgio Cangioli
Consulente Senior
Standard ed interoperabilità
Cell. +39 3357584479