Will they be recorded if we are unable to attend?



Zabrina Gonzaga, MSN, RN (she,her)

Sr. Director, Nursing Informatics

t: 919-435-0862


Wake Forest (Eastern Time)









From: CDA MG - HL7 ListServ <cdamg@lists.hl7.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 9:18 PM
To: cdamg@lists.hl7.org
Subject: RE: #External# [cdamg] FW: HL7 Co-chair Training Webinars- Registration Required


LNelson@max.md to cdamg@lists.hl7.org

I also could only register for webinar 2 and 3.  Link to webinar 1 seems bad.


From: CDA MG - HL7 ListServ <cdamg@lists.hl7.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 3:02 PM
To: cdamg@lists.hl7.org
Subject: Re: #External# [cdamg] FW: HL7 Co-chair Training Webinars- Registration Required


ddavis@sequoiaproject.org to cdamg@lists.hl7.org

Thank you for forwarding this Linda,


I was able to register for the 2nd and 3rd webinars with Melva and Virginia leading.  I get the following error when trying to register for the first one:



Anyone else having this issue?


Warmest regards,


Didi Davis
VP, Informatics, Conformance & Interoperability


The Sequoia Project® - Connected we stand!


Office: +1-865-671-1624
ddavis@sequoiaproject.org | sequoiaproject.org | Twitter: @dididavis

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On Mar 29, 2022, at 2:42 PM, CDA MG - HL7 ListServ <cdamg@lists.hl7.org> wrote:


linda.michaelsen@optum.com to cdamg@lists.hl7.org

Since we are rotating co-chair responsibility, I think it makes sense for all of the CMG to attend this training.




From: Co-Chairs - HL7 ListServ <cochairs@lists.hl7.org> 
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 1:16 PM
To: cochairs@lists.hl7.org
Subject: [cochairs] HL7 Co-chair Training Webinars- Registration Required


sadhana@hl7.org to cochairs@lists.hl7.org



We have scheduled three Co-chair training webinars on April 12th, April 21st, and May 13th from 3:00 to 4:30 pm ET. Registration is required for these webinars.


The purpose of this series is to equip new Co-Chairs with important knowledge and skills for the role of HL7 Work Group Leadership. This will also benefit experienced Co-Chairs looking for a refresher. Whether you are newly elected or an experienced co-chair who wants to hone your knowledge and skills, we think this webinar series will be helpful in equipping you to be effective in this important HL7 leadership role.

WEBINAR 1; April 12: 3:00 to 4:30 pm. US ET
Topic: Leading Through Facilitation
Description: The role of the facilitator is to encourage full participation, promote mutual understanding, and foster participatory decision making. This webinar provides the skills required to be an effective HL7 Work Group facilitator.
Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the dynamics of group decision making
  • Appreciate the importance of facilitative learning skills
  • Know the principles for building sustainable agreements
  • Be able to summarize WG format decision making practices
  • Know how to chair meeting using Roberts rules of order.


  • AbdulMalik Shakir: Co-Chair, HL7’s Modeling & Methodology Work Group; Co-Chair, Public Health Work Groups

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


WEBINAR 2: April 21st, 3:00 – 4:30 pm.

Topic: Navigating HL7 Processes for Work Group Co-Chairs

The co-chair role at HL7 requires a strong understanding of its organizational structure, processes, and management tools. This webinar will provide an overview of HL7 processes that are relevant to Work Group Co-Chairs. Learn about existing processes as well as new processes and planned changes.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the HL7 organizational structure
  • Know where to find information about HL7 and its processes
  • Recall the processes that are relevant to the management of Work Groups, projects and ballots
  • Understand co-chair responsibilities for managing a Work Group (agendas, minutes, meeting room requests, relationships with other groups)
  • Understand the role and responsibilities of Work Group Co-Chairs in project and terminology management and know how to use the HL7 tools
  • Know the HL7 tools for managing Work Group activities (Confluence, Jira, Ballot Desktop, NIB Form, Meeting Room Requests, etc.)


  • Melva Peters: Co-Chair of the Pharmacy Work Group; Co-Chair, Governance and Operations Work Group; Member, Technical Steering Committee.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

WEBINAR 3: May 16: 3:00 – 4:30 pm.

Topic: Reflecting on Your Co-chair Role
Description: Co-Chairs need to work as a team with other Co-Chairs and with their workgroup members to accomplish their mission; however, leading in a consensus based standards organization has its challenges. Putting facilitation skills and process knowledge into practice can be difficult. The purpose of this webinar is to gather after the May Working Group Meeting and reflect on the experience of co-chairing, identify challenges and areas of improvement, and answer questions that rise from the experience.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe challenges in co-chairing
  • Identify strengths and areas for improvement
  • Determine goals and next steps

Virginia Lorenzi: Secretary, HL7 Board of Directors; Co-Chair, HL7’s Patient Empowerment Work Group; Member, Technical Steering Committee.


Register in advance for this meeting:




Sadhana Alangar, PhD

Director of Education

Health Level Seven International

3300 Washtenaw Avenue, Suite227

Ann Arbor, MI 48104-4261

Office: (734) 677 – 7777 ext. 116

Fax: (734) 677 – 6622

Email: sadhana@HL7.org

Website: www.HL7.org


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