Good day Pharmacy Colleagues:

In cleaning up the HL7 V2 Tables we came across an entry in HL7 table 0396 NCPDPnnnnsss:

Which is described as “NCPDP code list for data element nnnn [as used in segment sss] “

Is there a small set of values for this entry, or is it a very large set.

If there is really a small set, we would like to enumerate it in the table.

If it is a large set, we will update the narrative on the explanation of the nnnn and sss.

Thanks for responding.


Anthony (Tony) Julian FHL7, MQF

IT Technical Specialist II

Co-Chair HL7 External Content review committee

Co-Chair HL7 Infrastructure and Messaging

HL7 Technical Steering Committee

Certified HL7 v2.6 Control Specialist

EIA Platform

Information Technology

Mobile: 507-254-5963

Fax: upon request


Mayo Clinic

 200 First Street S.W.

 Rochester, MN 55905

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