Topic 1: Vote on JIRAs





Resolution Description



HGNC gene and gene group code systems in THO need to use numeric ID as code

Persuasive with Modification

Update the HGNC ValueSet to refer to the new NamingSystem.

Update examples to refer to new NamingSystem.

Follow up with HTA on aligned guidance and update the External Coding Systems appendix entry for HGNC to read:


The HGNC gene table carries gene IDs, gene symbols and full gene names. Guidance from HGNC confirms that gene symbols are not unique across species and have been known to change in some instances. Thus the commonly used gene symbols should be encoded in FHIR as "displays" with the corresponding IDs (beginning with "HGNC:") as the "codes".

HGNC also provides an index on gene families/groups. GeneGroup IDs do not begin with "HGNC:", so care must be made to ensure alignment of concepts when viewing an HGNC ID from an older system that may be referring to the GeneID and not a gene group. For example, 588 refers to the HLA gene family, but HGNC:588 identifies the ATG12 gene. To provide clarity for systems that do not distinguish codes from genes and gene families, we suggest using "" for genes and "" us gene families as code system URIs.

The group also would prefer the usage of as the preferred identifier for gene ids (making an alternative identifier)


Joel Schneider


Add ranges parameter to subject phenotype operations


Approve changes per the branch

Srikar Chamala


Add phase data to find subject variants operation


Add changes per 

Srikar Chamala


Record vote on JIRAs


Topic 2: WGM Agenda

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